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Creating a Signed Transaction

All transactions executed on the Aptos blockchain must be signed. This requirement is enforced by the chain for security reasons.

Generating the signing message

The first step in signing a transaction is to generate the signing message from the transaction. To generate such a signing message, you can use:

  • The Aptos node's REST API. The Aptos node will generate the signing message, the transaction signature and will submit the signed transaction to the Aptos blockchain. However, this approach is not secure.
  • However, you may prefer instead that your client application, for example, a hardware security module (HSM), be responsible for generating the signed transaction. In this approach, before submitting transactions, a client must:
    • Serialize the transactions into bytes, and
    • Sign the bytes with the account private key. See Accounts for how account and private key works.

This guide will introduce the concepts behind constructing a transaction, generating the appropriate message to sign using the BCS-serialization, and various methods for signing within Aptos.


We strongly recommend that you use the BCS format for submitting transactions to the Aptos blockchain.


Creating a transaction that is ready to be executed on the Aptos blockchain requires the following four steps:

  1. Create a raw transaction, RawTransaction, also called unsigned transaction.
  2. Generate the signing message containing the appropriate salt (prefix_bytes), and generate the signature of the raw transaction by using the client's private key.
  3. Create the Authenticator and the signed transaction, and
  4. BCS-serialize the signed transaction (not shown in the diagram in Overview section).

Code examples in this section are in Typescript.

See the below high-level flow diagram showing how a raw transaction becomes a signed transaction:

Signed Transaction FlowSigned Transaction Flow

Unsigned transactions are known as RawTransactions. They contain all the information about how to execute an operation on an account within Aptos. But they lack the appropriate authorization with a signature or Authenticator.

In Aptos blockchain, all the data is encoded as BCS (Binary Canonical Serialization).

Aptos supports many different approaches to signing a transaction but defaults to a single signer using Ed25519.

The Authenticator produced during the signing of the transaction gives authorization to the Aptos blockchain to execute the transaction on behalf of the account owner.

Key concepts

Raw transaction

A raw transaction consists of the following fields:

  • sender (Address): Account address of the sender.
  • sequence_number (uint64): Sequence number of this transaction. This must match the sequence number stored in the sender's account at the time the transaction executes.
  • payload: Instructions for the Aptos blockchain, including publishing a module, execute a script function or execute a script payload.
  • max_gas_amount (uint64): Maximum total gas to spend for this transaction. The account must have more than this gas or the transaction will be discarded during validation.
  • gas_unit_price (uint64): Price to be paid per gas unit. During execution the total_gas_amount, calculated as: total_gas_amount = total_gas_units_consumed * gas_unit_price, must not exceed max_gas_amount or the transaction will abort during the execution. total_gas_units_consumed represents the total units of gas consumed when executing the transaction.
  • expiration_timestamp_secs (uint64): The blockchain timestamp at which the blockchain would discard this transaction.
  • chain_id (uint8): The chain ID of the blockchain that this transaction is intended to be run on.


Binary Canonical Serialization (BCS) is a serialization format applied to the raw (unsigned) transaction. See BCS for a description of the design goals of BCS.

BCS is not a self-describing format. As such, in order to deserialize a message, one must know the message type and layout ahead of time.

An example of how BCS serializes a string is shown below:

// A string is serialized as: byte length + byte representation of the string. The byte length is required for deserialization. Without it, no way the deserializer knows how many bytes to deserialize.
const bytes: Uint8Array = bcs_serialize_string("aptos");
assert(bytes == [5, 0x61, 0x70, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x73]);

Signing message

The bytes of a BCS-serialized raw transaction are referred as a signing message.

In addition, in Aptos, any content that is signed or hashed is salted with a unique prefix to distinguish it from other types of messages. This is done to ensure that the content can only be used in the intended scenarios. The signing message of a RawTransaction is prefixed with prefix_bytes, which is sha3_256("APTOS::RawTransaction"). Therefore:

signing_message = prefix_bytes | bcs_bytes_of_raw_transaction.. | denotes concatenation.


The prefixing step is not shown in the diagram in the Overview section.


A signature is the result of hashing the signing message with the client's private key. By default Aptos uses the Ed25519 scheme to generate the signature of the raw transaction.

  • By signing a signing message with the private key, clients prove to the Aptos blockchain that they have authorized the transaction be executed.
  • Aptos blockchain will validate the signature with client account's public key to ensure that the transaction submitted is indeed signed by the client.

Signed transaction

A signed transaction consists of:

  • A raw transaction, and
  • An authenticator. The authenticator contains a client's public key and the signature of the raw transaction.

This signed transaction is further BCS-serialized (not shown in the diagram in Overview section), after which the signed transaction is ready for submission to the Aptos REST interface.

Multisignature transactions

The Aptos blockchain supports several signing methods for transactions, including the single signature, the K-of-N multisig, and more.

A K-of-N multisig transaction means that for such a transaction to be executed, at least K out of the N authorized signers have signed the transaction and passed the check conducted by the chain.

Transaction signatures are wrapped in Authenticator. The Aptos blockchain validates the transactions submitted by clients by using the Authenticator data. See a few examples below:

In Typescript, this is how a single signer authenticator looks like:

interface Authenticator {
public_key: Uint8Array;
signature: Uint8Array;

A multisig authenticator example is shown below:

interface MultiEd25519PublicKey {
// A list of public keys
public_keys: Uint8Array[];
// At least `threshold` signatures must be valid
threshold: Uint8;

interface MultiEd25519Signature {
// A list of signatures
signatures: Uint8Array[];
// 4 bytes, at most 32 signatures are supported.
// If Nth bit value is `1`, the Nth signature should be provided in `signatures`. Bits are read from left to right
bitmap: Uint8Array;

interface MultisigAuthenticator {
public_key: MultiEd25519PublicKey;
signature: MultiEd25519Signature;

Detailed steps

  1. Creating a RawTransaction.
  2. Preparing the message to be signed and signing it.
  3. Creating an Authenticator and a SignedTransaction.
  4. Serializing SignedTransaction.

Step 1. Creating a RawTransaction

The below example assumes the transaction has a script function payload.

interface AccountAddress {
// 32-byte array
address: Uint8Array;

interface ModuleId {
address: AccountAddress;
name: string;

interface ScriptFunction {
module: ModuleId;
function: string;
ty_args: string[];
args: Uint8Array[];

interface RawTransaction {
sender: AccountAddress;
sequence_number: number;
payload: ScriptFunction;
max_gas_amount: number;
gas_unit_price: number;
expiration_timestamp_secs: number;
chain_id: number;

function createRawTransaction(): RawTransaction {
const payload: ScriptFunction = {
module: {
address: hexToAccountAddress("0x01"),
name: "AptosCoin",
function: "transfer",
ty_args: [],
args: [
BCS.serialize(hexToAccountAddress("0x02")), // receipient of the transfer
BCS.serialize_uint64(2), // amount to transfer

return {
sender: hexToAccountAddress("0x01"),
sequence_number: 1n,
max_gas_amount: 2000n,
gas_unit_price: 1n,
// Unix timestamp, in seconds + 10 minutes
expiration_timestamp_secs: Math.floor( / 1000) + 600,
payload: payload,
chain_id: 3,

The BCS serialization shown in the code above is not the same as the BCS Serialization operation shown in the Overview section.

Step 2. Creating the signing message and signing it

  1. Generate prefix (prefix_bytes) with SHA3_256 hash bytes of string APTOS::RawTransaction.
  2. Bytes of BCS serialized RawTransaction.
  3. Concat the prefix and BCS bytes.
  4. Signing the bytes with account private key.
import * as Nacl from "tweetnacl";

function hashPrefix(): Buffer {
let hash = SHA3.sha3_256.create();
return Buffer.from(hash.arrayBuffer());

function bcsSerializeRawTransaction(txn: RawTransaction): Buffer {

// This will serialize a raw transaction into bytes
function serializeRawTransaction(txn: RawTransaction): Buffer {
// Generate a hash prefix
const prefix = hashPrefix();

// Serialize txn with BCS
const bcsSerializedTxn = bcsSerializeRawTransaction(txn);

return Buffer.concat([prefix, bcsSerializedTxn]);

const rawTxn = createRawTransaction();
const signature = Nacl.sign(hashRawTransaction(rawTxn), ACCOUNT_PRIVATE_KEY);

Step 3. Creating an Authenticator and a SignedTransaction

interface Authenticator {
public_key: Uint8Array;
signature: Uint8Array;

interface SignedTransaction {
raw_txn: RawTransaction;
authenticator: Authenticator;

const authenticator = {
public_key: PUBLIC_KEY,
signature: signature,

const signedTransaction: SignedTransaction = {
raw_txn: rawTxn,
authenticator: authenticator,

Step 4. Serializing SignedTransaction


This step is not shown in the flow diagram in the Overiew section.

Serializing SignedTransaction into bytes with BCS.

const signedTransactionPayload = bcsSerializeSignedTransaction(signedTransaction);

Submitting the signed transaction

Finally, submitting the transaction with the required header "Content-Type".

To submit a signed transaction in the BCS format, the client must pass in a specific header, as shown in the below example:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x.aptos.signed_transaction+bcs" --data-binary "@path/to/file_contains_bcs_bytes_of_signed_txn" https://some_domain/transactions