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Building Your Own Wallet

In order to allow for Aptos' wallet interoperability, the following is required:

  1. Mnemonics - a set of words that can derive account private keys
  2. dApp API - entry points into the wallet to support access to identity managed by the wallet
  3. Key rotation - handling both the relationship around mnemonics and the recovery of accounts in different wallets


While Petra wallet recommends 1 mnemonic <-> 1 account, we recognize that some wallets may want to support 1 mnemonic <-> n accounts coming from other chains. To support both of these use cases we are using a BIP44 derive path for mnemonics to accounts.

Creating an Aptos Account

  1. Generate mnemonic using something like BIP39
  2. Get a master seed from that mnemonic using BIP39
  3. Use the BIP44 derive path to retrieve an account address (e.g. m/44'/637'/0'/0'/0')
* Creates new account with bip44 path and mnemonics,
* @param path. (e.g. m/44'/637'/0'/0'/0')
* Detailed description: {@link}
* @param mnemonics.
* @returns AptosAccount
static fromDerivePath(path: string, mnemonics: string): AptosAccount {
if (!AptosAccount.isValidPath(path)) {
throw new Error("Invalid derivation path");

const normalizeMnemonics = mnemonics
.map((part) => part.toLowerCase())
.join(" ");

const { key } = derivePath(path, bytesToHex(bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(normalizeMnemonics)));

return new AptosAccount(new Uint8Array(key));

Supporting 1 Mnemonic <-> N Account Wallets

Again, because the 1 mnemonic <-> n accounts paradigm doesn't fit well with key rotation. We don't recommend this approach currently. But to support importing these type of accounts we will follow this standard.

  1. Same as above steps 1-3
  2. Use the BIP44 derive path to retrieve private keys (e.g. m/44'/637'/i'/0'/0') where i is the account index
  3. Now we will iterate i until we get all the accounts the user wants to import
    • We don't want to iterate to infinity to we will be checking if the accounts exist on chain. If an account doesn't exist during iteration we will keep iterating for a constant address_gap_limit (10 for now) to see if there are any other accounts. If an account is found we will continue to iterate as normal.


const gapLimit = 10;
let currentGap = 0;

for (let i = 0; currentGap < gapLimit; i += 1) {
const derivationPath = `m/44'/637'/${i}'/0'/0'`;
const account = fromDerivePath(derivationPath, mnemonic);
const response = account.getResources();
if (response.status !== 404) {
currentGap = 0;
} else {
currentGap += 1;

dApp API

Forum post with discussion There will be some APIs that certain wallets may add but there should be a few apis that are standard across wallets. This will make mass adoption easier and will make dApp developers' lives easier.

  • connect(), disconnect(), and isConnected()
  • account()
  • signAndSubmitTransaction(transaction: EntryFunctionPayload)
  • signMessage(payload: SignMessagePayload)
  • Event listening (onAccountChanged(listener), onNetworkChanged(listener))
// Common Args and Responses

// For single-signer account, there is one publicKey and minKeysRequired is null.
// For multi-signer account, there are multiple publicKeys and minKeysRequired value.
interface PublicAccount {
address: string;
publicKey: string | string[];
minKeysRequired?: number; // for multi-signer account

// The important thing to return here is the transaction hash the dApp can wait for it
type [PendingTransaction](

type [EntryFunctionPayload](

connect(), disconnect(), isConnected()

It is important that dApps, aren't allow to send requests to the wallet until the user acknowledges that they want to see these requests.

  • connect() will prompt the user
    • return Promise<PublicAccount>
  • disconnect() allows the user to stop giving access to a dApp and also helps the dApp with state management
    • return Promise<void>
  • isConnected() able to make requests to the wallet to get current state of connection
    • return Promise<boolean>


Needs to be connected The dApp may want to query for the current connected account to get the address or public key.

  • account() no prompt to the user
    • returns Promise<PublicAccount>

signAndSubmitTransaction(transaction: EntryFunctionPayload)

We will be generate a transaction from payload(simple JSON) using the SDK and then sign and submit it to the wallet's node.

  • signAndSubmitTransaction(transaction: EntryFunctionPayload) will prompt the user with the transaction they are signing
    • returns Promise<PendingTransaction>

signMessage(payload: SignMessagePayload)

The most common usecase for this function is to verify identity, but there are a few other possible use cases. You may notice some wallets from other chains just provide an interface to sign arbitrary strings. This can be susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks, signing string transactions, etc.


export interface SignMessagePayload {
address?: boolean; // Should we include the address of the account in the message
application?: boolean; // Should we include the domain of the dApp
chainId?: boolean; // Should we include the current chain id the wallet is connected to
message: string; // The message to be signed and displayed to the user
nonce: string; // A nonce the dApp should generate

export interface SignMessageResponse {
address?: string;
application?: string;
chainId?: number;
fullMessage: string; // The message that was generated to sign
message: string; // The message passed in by the user
nonce: string,
prefix: string, // Should always be APTOS
signature: string | string[]; // The signed full message
bitmap?: Uint8Array; // a 4-byte (32 bits) bit-vector of length N
  • signMessage(payload: SignMessagePayload) prompts the user with the payload.message to be signed
    • returns Promise<SignMessageResponse>

An example: signMessage({nonce: 1234034, message: "Welcome to dApp!", address: true, application: true, chainId: true })

This would generate the fullMessage to be signed and returned as the signature:

address: 0x000001
chain_id: 7
nonce: 1234034
message: Welcome to dApp!

If the wallet is single-signer account, there is one signature and bitmap is null.

If the wallet is multi-signers account, there are multiple signature and bitmap value. bitmap masks which public key has signed message.

Event listening (In progress)

Key Rotation (In Progress)

Mapping has been implemented but SDK integration is in progress. This will be updated soon.