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Petra on Chrome browser only

The Petra wallet extension is supported only on the Chrome browser. However, the extensions for Brave browser and Kiwi browser and Microsoft Edge browser will also work.

If you are a voter, then we recommend strongly that you do not store your Aptos voter keys with a custodian before the custodian supports this function. Until then, we suggest you store your voter keys in an Aptos wallet like Petra or Martian.

This document describes how to perform voter operations while using an Aptos wallet.

Steps Using Governance UI

To participate as a voter in the Aptos governance, follow the below steps.

  1. Go to the Proposals section of the Aptos Governance page.
  2. Next you should connect your wallet, but before you click on CONNECT WALLET (top-right):
    1. Make sure you selected Mainnnet from the top-right drop-down menu.
    2. Delete any previous versions of Aptos Wallet you have installed on Chrome.
    3. Install the Petra (Aptos Wallet) extension on your Chrome browser by following the instructions here.
  3. Click on CONNECT WALLET to connect your wallet to the Aptos Governance.
  4. Make sure that the Mainnet network is selected on the wallet also. On Petra you can do this by the following:
    • On Petra wallet window, click on the bottom right gear box icon. This will take you to Settings page on the wallet.
    • Select Network > Mainnet.
  5. View the proposals. When you are ready to vote on a proposal, click on the proposal and vote.
  6. You will see a green snackbar indicating that the transaction is successful.

Steps Using Aptos CLI

  1. Get your stake pool info aptos node get-stake-pool --owner-address <owner-address> --url <REST API for the network>
  2. To see the list of proposal aptos governance list-proposals --url
  3. To vote on a proposal aptos governance vote --proposal-id <PROPOSAL_ID> --pool-address <POOL_ADDRESS> --url <URL> --profile <profile>