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Aptos Token

Aptos token tutorial

Also see the tutorial Your First NFT.

Overview of NFT

An NFT is a non-fungible token or data stored on a blockchain that uniquely defines ownership of an asset. NFTs were first defined in EIP-721 and later expanded upon in EIP-1155. NFTs are typically defined using the following properties:

  • name: The name of the asset. It must be unique within a collection.
  • description: The description of the asset.
  • uri: A URL pointer to off-chain for more information about the asset. The asset could be media such as an image or video or more metadata.
  • supply: The total number of units of this NFT. Many NFTs have only a single supply while those that have more than one are referred to as editions.

Additionally, most NFTs are part of a collection or a set of NFTs with a common attribute, for example, a theme, creator, or minimally contract. Each collection has a similar set of attributes:

  • name: The name of the collection. The name must be unique within the creator's account.
  • description: The description of the collection.
  • uri: A URL pointer to off-chain for more information about the asset. The asset could be media such as an image or video or more metadata.

Token standard

The Aptos token standard is developed with the following principles:

  • Interoperability: Provide a standard implementation to improve interoperability across the ecosystem projects. Moreover, Move being a static language without dynamic dispatch makes this principle even more imperative.
  • Liquidity: Achieve maximal liquidity by defining the NFT, fungible (non-decimal) and semi-fungible tokens in one contract. These different types of tokens can be easily stored, transferred and transacted in the same way. As a consequence, it becomes easier to achieve maximal interoperability across the marketplaces, exchanges, and other methods for exchange.
  • Rich on-chain token properties: Enable the customization of on-chain token properties. Users can define their own properties and store them on-chain. This can potentially eliminate the need for the off-chain metadata.
  • Reduced overhead: Reduce the cost of creating large amounts of NFTs from fungible tokens. This can lead to, for example, reduced overhead for similar tokens by the reuse of on-chain metadata for certain fungible tokens.
Fungible token → NFT

The Aptos token standard supports mutation of a fungible token to an NFT.

Storing customized token properties on-chain

In addition to the standard token attributes, the Aptos token standard provides the default_properties field, a key-value store with the type information to store customized properties on-chain. Use this field to customize the token properties and store them on-chain. These properties can be directly read and written by other smart contracts.

Evolving from fungible token to NFT

Fungible tokens share the same default property values. However, these property values can evolve over time and become different from each other. To support such evolution of token properties, the Aptos token standard provides the property_version field. Here is how it works:

  • During the token creation (minting), all tokens initially have property_version set to 0 and these tokens can be stacked together as fungible token.
  • When the creators mutate the default properties of a token, the mutated token would be assigned a unique property_version to create a new token_id to differentiate it from other fungible tokens. This unique token_id allows the token to have its own property values, and all further mutation of this token does not change the property_version again. This token essentially becomes an NFT now.

Configuring mutability

To make mutability explicit for both the creator and owner, the Aptos token standard provides mutability_config at both the collection level and the token level to control which fields are mutable. Configurable here means the creator can configure this field to be mutable or immutable during creation.

Storing metadata off-chain

Follow the standard below to ensure your NFT can be correctly displayed by various wallets.

You should store the metadata in a JSON file located in an off-chain storage solution such as arweave and provide the link to the JSON file in the uri field of the token or the collection. We recommend the developers to follow the ERC-1155 off-chain data schema to format their JSON files.

"image": "",
"animation_url": "",
"external_url": "",
"attributes": [
"trait_type": "web",
"value": "yes"
"trait_type": "mobile",
"value": "yes"
"trait_type": "extension",
"value": "yes"
"properties": {
"files": [
"uri": "",
"type": "image/png"
"uri": "",
"type": "unknown",
"cdn": true
"uri": "",
"type": "video/mp4"
"category": "video"
  • image: URL to the image asset. You may use the ?ext={file_extension} query to provide information on the file type.
  • animation_url: URL to the multimedia attachment of the asset.
  • external_url: URL to an external website where the user can also view the image.
  • attributes - Object array, where an object should contain trait_type and value fields. value can be a string or a number.
  • properties.files: Object array, where an object should contain the URI and type of the file that is part of the asset. The type should match the file extension. The array should also include files specified in image and animation_url fields, as well as any other files associated with the asset. You may use the ?ext={file_extension} query to provide information on the file type.
  • properties.category: Has supported categories:
    • image - PNG, GIF, JPG
    • video - MP4, MOV
    • audio - MP3, FLAC, WAV
    • vr - 3D models; GLB, GLTF
    • html - HTML pages; scripts and relative paths within the HTML page are also supported

You can also host your files on CDN to provide faster loading time by using the cdn flag in the file object. When the file exists, this should be the primary location to read the media file (video, audio, vr) by wallet. If the file is no longer available, the wallet can fall back to use the animation_url to load the file.

"properties": {
"files": [
"uri": "",
"type": "unknown",
"cdn": true

Token data model

Signed Transaction FlowSigned Transaction Flow

Token resources

The token related data are stored at both creator’s account and owner’s account.

Resource stored at the creator’s address

CollectionsMaintains a table called collection_data, which maps the collection name to the CollectionData. It also stores all the TokenData that this creator creates.
CollectionDataStore the collection metadata. The supply is the number of tokens created for the current collection. maxium is the upper bound of tokens in this collection.
CollectionMutabilityConfigSpecify which field is mutable.
TokenDataThe main struct for holding the token metadata. Properties is a where user can add their own properties that are not defined in the token data. User can mint more tokens based on the TokenData and they share the same TokenData.
TokenMutabilityConfigControl which fields are mutable.
TokenDataIdAn id used for representing and querying TokenData on-chain. This id mainly contains 3 fields including creator address, collection name and token name.
RoyaltySpecify the denominator and numerator for calculating the royalty fee. It also has payee account address for depositing the Royalty.
PropertyValueContains both value of a property and type of property.

Resource stored at the owner’s address

TokenStoreThe main struct for storing the token owned by this address. It maps TokenId to the actual token.
Tokenamount is the number of tokens.
TokenIdTokenDataId points to the metadata of this token. The property_version represents a token with mutated PropertyMap from default_properties in the TokenData.

Token lifecycle

Token creation

Every Aptos token belongs to a collection. The developer first needs to create a collection through create_collection_script and then create the token belonging to the collection create_token_script. To achieve parallel TokenData and Token creation, a developer can create unlimited collection and TokenData where the maximum of the collection and TokenData are set as 0. With this setting, the token contract won’t track the supply of types of token (TokenData count) and supply of token within each token type. As the result, the TokenData and token can be created in parallel.

We also enforce simple validation of the input size and duplication:

  • The token name should be unique within each collection
  • The collection name should be unique within each account
  • The token and collection name length should be smaller than 128 characters
  • The uri length should be smaller than 512 characters
  • The property map can hold at most 1000 properties, and each key should be smaller than 128 characters

Token mutation

Our standard supports mutation with a principle that the mutable fields are specified during the token creation. This allows the token owner to be informed which fields are mutable when they get the token from the creator. Our contract uses CollectionMutabilityConfig to check if a field is mutable. Our contract uses TokenMutabilityConfig to check if a TokenData field is mutable.

For mutation of properties, we have both (1) default_properties stored in TokenData shared by all tokens belonging to the TokenData and (2) token_properties stored in the token itself. To mutate default_properties, developers can use mutate_tokendata_property to mutate the properties when TokenMutabilityConfig is set to be true.

CAUTION: Set the TokenMutabilityConfig field to false unless it is absolutely necessary. Allowing default_properties to be mutable provides creators too much power; creators can change the burnable config to provide themselves the authority to burn tokens after token creation.

To mutate token_properties stored in the token, our standard uses the TOKEN_PROPERTY_MUTABLE property stored in default_properties. When the creator creates the TokenData with the TOKEN_PROPERTY_MUTABLE property set to true, the creator can mutate token_properties. Note that if the mutate_tokendata_property is set to be true, the creator can mutate the token_properties anyway since they can overwrite the setting in the default_properties.

Token burn

We provide burn and burn_by_creator functions for token owners and token creators to burn tokens. However, these two functions are also guarded by configs that are specified during the token creation so that both creator and owner are clear on who can burn the token. Burn is allowed only when the BURNABLE_BY_OWNER property is set to true in default_properties. Burn by creator is allowed when BURNABLE_BY_CREATOR is true in default_properties. Once all the tokens belonging to a TokenData are burned, the TokenData will be removed from the creator’s account. Similarly, if all TokenData belonging to a collection are removed, the CollectionData will be removed from the creator’s account.

Token transfer

To protect a user from receiving undesired NFTs, a user must be first offered an NFT, followed by the user claiming the offered NFTs. Then only these NFTs will be deposited in the user's token store. This is the default token transfer behavior. For example:

  • If Alice wants to send Bob an NFT, she must first offer Bob this NFT. This NFT is still stored under Alice’s account.
  • Only when Bob claims the NFT, this NFT will be removed from Alice’s account and stored in Bob’s token store.
Token transfer module

The token transfer is implemented in the token_transfer module.

Direct transfer

On the other hand, if a user wants to receive direct transfer of the NFT, skipping the initial steps of offer and claim, then the user can call opt_in_direct_transfer to allow other people to directly transfer the NFTs into the user's token store.

Note that in both the default token transfer and the direct transfer method, the user will receive the NFT into the user's token store.

Turning off direct transfer

The user can also turn off this direct transfer behavior by calling the same opt_in_direct_transfer function to reset the behavior to the default behavior.