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Aptos Blockchain Deployments

You can connect to the Aptos blockchain in a few ways. See the below table:

What not to do

Make sure to see the row describing What not to do.

DescriptionMainnetDevnetLong-lived TestnetAptos Incentivized Testnet (AIT)
Chain ID
1On Aptos Explorer select Devnet from top right.2Available during AIT program.
Available during AIT program.
Genesis blob and WaypointIn the mainnet directory on the devnet directory on during AIT program.
FaucetNo FaucetAvailable during AIT program.
Epoch7200 seconds (two hours, set by governance)---7200 seconds (two hours)Available during AIT program.
Network runs whereValidators, validator fullnodes and public fullnodes are run by you (i.e., the Aptos community) and Aptos Labs.
Validators run on Aptos Labs servers. Fullnodes are run by both Aptos Labs and you (i.e., the Aptos community).
Validators run on Aptos Labs servers. Fullnodes are run by both Aptos Labs and you (i.e., the Aptos community).
Some Validators run on Aptos servers, others are run by the Aptos community. Fullnodes are run by Aptos Labs and the community.
Who is responsible for the networkFully decentralized.Managed by Aptos Team.Managed by Aptos Team.Managed by Aptos Labs and the community.
Update release cadenceEvery month.Every week.Every 2 weeks.Managed by Aptos Labs and the community.
How often wipedNot wiped.Every week.Not wiped.Wiped permanently after AIT program concludes.
DescriptionMainnetDevnetLong-lived TestnetAIT
Purpose of the networkThe main Aptos network.The devnet is built to experiment with new ideas, improve performance and enhance the user experience.For executing the Aptos Incentivized Testnet programs for the community.
Network statusAlways live.Mostly live, with brief interruptions during regular updates.Mostly live, with brief interruptions during regular updates.Live only during Incentivized Testnet drives.
Type of nodesValidators and validator fullnodes.Validators and public fullnodes.Validators and public fullnodes.Validators and validator fullnodes.
How to run a nodeSee Validators and Public Fullnode sections.N/A, run by Aptos Labs team.See Validators and Public Fullnode sections.See the node deployment guides published during AIT program.
What not to doDo not attempt to sync your local AIT fullnode or AIT validator node with devnet.Make sure you deploy your local AIT fullnode, AIT validator node and AIT validator fullnode in the test mode, and follow the instructions in the node deployment guides published during AIT program.